Thursday, June 3, 2010

I'm a photographer remembering to actually take pictures.

I had a hard time deciding which photo was my BEST photo this week for Beth's You Capture Challenge. I really think my best two were 1) a sky one I posted last week and 2) a pic of my son and his teacher. But I didn't get permission from his teacher to post the pic so I had to go with my third best pic of the week.  Hope you enjoy! Oh and PS I don't know if I've said this, but all of my pics are SOOC shots. I don't have any photo editing software, so I'm pretty proud of some of the what I think to be, cool pics I take. (notice I said some) And I guess I'd better take the time to say that I normally use the auto setting on my camera, but sometimes I use the "no flash" setting (well, that's what I call it.)



Stephanie said...

Ha - love the look on the duck's face! You should definitely be proud of this SOOC shot! Thanks for sharing!

Allison and Ben said...

I like the reeds or grass in the background great contrast. You do a wonderful job with your pictures, keep it up.

Kris said...

Great Photo!

Unknown said...

How fun : )
And that is SO great that you get permission from people : ) smart.

Icy BC said...

Oh, what a cute picture of the duck..

Mardi said...

This is a fab SOOC photo...
Im loving the challenges ...they encourage me to get the camera out...
Thanks for making the time to pop in to my blog..
Have a great week..