Friday, April 11, 2008

Fight The Frump Friday I was having a hard time deciding what to write about today. It was a hard morning, and now that I am home for a while, I am feeling frumpy. As I write I am wearing a "track suit" and flip flops (the track suit is matching, does that count as "unfrumpy"?) How can I give advice on "Fighting the Frump" when I am frumpy right now? Oh...I've got it! Jewlery! Even though I am in comfy clothes, I am still wearing some jewlery! I have my standard earrings on: cute sliver hoops that are small enough kids fingers can't get in to rip them out; a simple silver bracelet and of course, my wedding ring (that almost never comes off) and a right hand ring. So...fight the frump with jewlery that makes you feel "made up" even if you aren't. Keep it simple, jazz it up, go all out gaudy if you feel like it! But enjoy the wonders of jewlery!

1 Comment:

Katie said...

I think accessorizing is my downfall. I used to wear rings and earrings and necklaces of all sorts. But I stopped when I had Seth and the rings would scratch him and he'd pull on the necklaces and earrings. It's something I'd like to get back into doing now that my kids are big enough to not pull and can dress themselves. I'm trying...but it's slow going.